Globe & Mail Feature: Job-Hopping Career AdvancementJasleen Sidhu DevedFebruary 21, 2025job-hopping, gender pay gap, inequity, career transition, globe and mail article, career coach for women, career coach edmontonComment
Top 15 Coaches In Edmonton In 2024 Jasleen Sidhu DevedMay 2, 2024coachesinedmonton, edmontoncareers, coachnearme, leadershipcoaching, corporatecoaching, professionalcoaching, professional career coach, executive career coach, seniorexecutivecareercoachingComment
The White Feminism Trap- How to Be an Authentic Ally AllyshipJasleen Sidhu DevedSeptember 27, 2023white feminism, intersectionality, performative allyship, allyship, inclusive allyship, barbie, smashthepatriarchy, intersectional feminism, what is meant by white feminism, traps of white feminismComment
Are We There Yet? What Does DEI* Mean for Women in Tech Jasleen Sidhu DevedMarch 17, 2023#womenintech #dei #tech #careersforwomenintech #barriersforwomenintech #DEIWORKintech #womeninstem #barriersforwomeninstem #deistrategyfortech, womenintech, womeninstem, deiintech, deistrategytech, careersintech, careercoachtech, workplacebarriers, barriersforwomen, barriersforwomenintechComment
Should I Be Worried About My Career Gap? Career AdvancementJasleen Sidhu DevedMarch 2, 2022career gap, career break, should i be worried about a career gap, how to address a career gap, the great resignation, job interviews, applying for jobs, career advice, career help, career coaching, career counsellingComment
Imposter Syndrome: Do We Really Need to 'Get Over It?' Career Advancement, For Leaders, Gender DifferencesJasleen Sidhu DevedNovember 8, 2021bias, barriers for women of colour, imposter syndrome, get over it, am i an imposter?, How to stop second-guessing yourself, how to prepare for an interview, interview anxiety, getting over imposter syndrome in an interviewComment
How to Get People to Hire You — 4 Key Elements for Building Likability & Trust Career Advancement, For Leaders, For Solopreneurs, Seeking ClarityJasleen Sidhu DevedJune 29, 2021how to build trust, how to gain likes and follows, how to build an audience, how to get people to agree with me, how to gain support from others, how to get others to like me, how to get people to like me, how to be likable, elements of building trust, career advice, personal development, how to get a promotion, how to build a professional brand, how to stand out in your career, how to stand out in your niche, how to compete for jobs, how to get people to trust youComment
Over-thinker? How to Stop Overthinking- 10 Ways to Harness it as a Strength Career Advancement, For Leaders, Managing Anxiety, ProductivityJasleen Sidhu DevedJune 7, 2021Am I an Over-thinker, Over-thinker, How to Stop Over-Thinking, How to Focus, How to Avoid Distraction, How to Prioritize, How to Stop Over-Analyzing, Why do I over-analyze everythingComment
5 Signs it’s Time for a Career Change Career Advancement, For Leaders, Seeking ClarityJasleen Sidhu DevedApril 11, 2021career coach for women, career change, career coach, signs I need to change careers, should I change careers?, what job am I suited for?, when should I look for a new job?, Is my job a good fit?, Is my job a bad fit?, Navigating career options, Should I start a business?, Should I apply for a new job?, Feeling stuck in my career, my organization is not making me happy, why am i not advancing in my career?, Why do I have imposter syndrome?Comment
Who is Better Off? Stay-at-Home Mom vs. Career Mom- 5 Points to Consider Career Advancement, For Leaders, Gender Differences, Seeking ClarityJasleen Sidhu DevedMarch 18, 2021feministmovement, Feminism, stayathomemoms, workingmoms, stayathomemomvsworkingmom, femininemystique, metoo, careerchoices, decidingtogobacktowork, shouldireturntoworkaftermatleave, whoisbetteroffstayathomemomorworkingmom, mommywars, workplacebarriers, barriersforwomen, motherhoodpenalty, infertility, career coach, career coach for women, career coach for momsComment
4 Questions to Lead You To Your Dream Job Career Advancement, Dialogue Resources, For Leaders, For Solopreneurs, Living with PurposeJasleen Sidhu DevedFebruary 19, 2021how to find your why, how do I find my why, how will i know my purpose, what is my dream job, values exercise, positive psychologyComment
Black Lives Matter: Anti-Racist Activities for Kids Living with PurposeJasleen Sidhu DevedJune 9, 2020Dialogueblacklivesmatter, BIPOC, BIPOC resources\, Antiracistresources, antiracistactivities, antiracistactivitesforkids, learningactivitiesforkids, mompreneur, lgbtqblacklivesmatter, icantbreathe, racismresourcesforkids, antiracistactivitiesforchildrenComment