My Interview with Global News- Gratitude for Our Son's Care

In my last post, I confessed to my fear of public speaking. And today, I faced my fear. It was the first time I was on Live Television. It was a short segment, but I was still nervous that I wouldn't get out what I wanted to say, or worse have a panic attack.

And I must say, it was not as bad of an experience as I thought it would be. I would even go as far to say I was excited to go on air. I was able to to overcome my fear and reframe (not eliminate) my anxiety. I attribute this to many factors, and I'll share the strategies I used in my next post. I'll also include my personal "survival kit" that might help you overcome a fear you may want to face. 

But for now, I'll share the interview for those of you who are curious. This is the first time I've publicly shared our family's journey following our sons' cancer diagnosis when he was only a newborn. I've been very private about this in the past, but have been inspired to share as an opportunity to raise awareness and give back to the Stollery, our local Children's Hospital here in Edmonton. Also, now that my son is older, I see how much pride he has in sharing what he's overcome and it has given me the confidence that it is the right thing to do. 

So please check out the video below and I would love to hear from you if any part of my story resonates with you. You can comment or DM me on Instagram: @dialoguecoach.

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