Confessions of a Career Coach: From Fear to Purpose (Minus the Bullshit)


If you read my last blog post, you would have picked up some practical ways to ensure your New Year resolutions stick. 

Confession: as I write this, we are nine days into 2018 and I have failed miserably at following my own advice. Following two weeks of holiday indulging at my folks’ place out East, guilt has set in. I’ve created a few “stretch” goals, and begun to mentally tackle them all at once. Admittedly, my inner dialogue has been less than kind during this process. “You’re becoming complacent. You’ve lost momentum. You need to do more. You will never be good enough.” Today during lunch with friends I realized how my inner dialogue was trickling into my life. “Jasleen you are so hard on yourself”, they said to me. And they are right.

Having a sense of purpose and wanting to grow into your potential is a blessing and a curse. I’ve reached a level of self-awareness where I focus more on who I need to be to achieve my goals and less on simply being. I wholeheartedly believe in the advice given in my last post, however something has gotten in the way of me taking it. That something is fear. 

You may have read this letter that has gone viral. It was written by Holly Butcher, a 27-year-old Aussie who passed away following her battle with a rare bone cancer. The day before she left this world she wrote, “I just want people to stop worrying so much about the small, meaningless stresses in life and try to remember that we all have the same fate after it all so do what you can to make your time feel worthy and great, minus the bullshit.” 

This important message to the world deeply resonated with me. It also filled me with guilt and shame. Almost exactly four years ago I could have written those exact words. After coming very close to death, I vowed never to sweat the small stuff again and to live my life with love and purpose instead of letting fear drive me. And now here I am yet again falling into the same trap. 

But tomorrow is a new day. I will recommit to focusing on my purpose (“minus the bullshit”). For me personally, the antidote to my fear is to take imperfect action every day. And that starts with this blog post.

So, there you have it folks; my vulnerability exposed. As difficult as it is to share my imperfection, my hope is you are inspired to take one small step toward aligning your own internal dialogue with building an authentic life; one not driven by expectations or fear. If you believe in this message, please help me #startadialogue and share with your loved ones. 
